A Little Sunday Reflection Bliss

Sunday. Rest. Laughter. Love. Bliss, indeed it was. Sigh.

     I had the lovely pleasure of spending all day Sunday with the most handsome young man on planet earth (okay, so I may be a teensy bit biased!) Really though, my Fisher is the most super handsome man and he is also my best friend in the whole world! I thank my King for him every day! I'm a blessed young lady to have him in my life. And luckily for me spending all this time with my guy on Sunday has made me reflect on just how much, and why I love him like I do.

And here's where I reflect, okay?

     I love spending time with him. Honestly, I never get sick of spending time with Jared. Actually each time I get to spend the whole day with him my heart only grows that much fonder of the time we have together, and every second is filled with more joy and love than the last second could have ever held! Being around him is like drawing closer to a kindred friendship, awakening and deepening each and every time we are together. 

     Not only is his outer shell extremely handsome, but his heart is too. He also has the tendency to make me laugh and rest like no one else can. Which I adore. Through him and the way he loves me I've learned to calm down and to enjoy life more fully...even in the quiet moments, which I used to hate. What can I say? I push him to be more outgoing and adventurous and he usually reigns me back in and helps me to reflect and reside in peace for a spell now and again. In our differences we are perfectly matched to be help-meets for one another. And thankfully we share many of the same tastes and likes which helps us from having polar angsty collisions, but we are very different nevertheless. I'm glad we're the same and yet completely complimentary all at the same time.

      He is truly a set apart young man. No one, with the exception of God, understands me and knows me the way that he does. I am so thankful for that! When I'm with Jared my heart and mind are found at the epitome of peace. I'm not daunted by the world around me, but rather inspired instead. Nor do I feel isolated like I do when we are separated by the many miles that stretch between us. He brightens life, always.

     Ah, I just love him so very much! I can't get over how awesome the last nearly 2 years have been with him. Like I said before, I count myself beyond blessed! Jared is the man of my dreams. I love him to the moon and back again. I truly do. *blushes*

On a Sunday there is nothing I love better than...
  • Introducing myself as "Sarah the Sesquipedalian (user of long words)" at the College/Career Sunday School Class.
  • Singing to the Lord while standing next to my love in Church. 
  • Getting stung by a yellow jacket  on the very top of my foot and then being babied by my super cute guy...minus the sting part of course! 
  • Eating pizza and drinking orange soda on the back porch together during a thunderstorm.
  • Talking about our novel's characters together and watching as they dance vividly before our very eyes in joyous back and forth ping pong style conversation.
  • Leaving the house in a rush to get to the bookstore before it closed to buy some Nicholas Sparks books. Yes, it was a random, spur of the moment trip and it was wonderful!
  • Saying 'I love you' a bazillion times and meaning it even more each and every single time the syllables that make up that sweet trio of endearing words dance upon my tongue.
  • Him holding me in his strong and warm embrace, that doesn't want to let go.
  • Laughing so much in one day that I honestly could not stop smiling.

     There are so many more things that I love about my boyfriend. I could probably fill a whole novel full of just the simple small things that I love about him. It's the simple way that Jared sees people and the world that makes me slow down and appreciate each and every breath I take a little more each day.

I love you Jay! It's not Iceland, m'dear! *wink wink*

With Love, Your Red


  1. Aw this post is just so sweet! You two are both adorable together. I was just on Pinterest looking at cute pictures that made me say, "I want to be in love!!!" and this post isn't helping that!!! :p


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