moving into the chaos

everything is formless in the beginning, until we step into the darkness, the void, and bring the light of creation. God moved into that void of chaos and darkness in Genesis and declared light. yes, He created light in a darkness-wreathed place. so why can't you and i do the same thing? when life thrusts us into the chaos, why can we not move into it swiftly, daringly, even trusting? can we not create vital vividry of soul to set us free, to become light-bringer's too in this creative process named life?

honestly, i feel as if i'm restrained in the darkness when i cannot create, or when i cannot write or read or sketch or paint or photograph. i breath artistry and creativity. it fills me. and when i do not have those outlets to rescue me from my chaos filled world i feel suffocated and not wholly like who i should be in the moment. i was meant to create. it's obvious i was meant to move into this chaos. to bring light out of it, harvesting pure beauty.

moving into the chaos. yes, this is the song of my soul in this very moment. december has become chaotic, and has definitely had its dark moments, but now i know how to free myself. i'll cling to the Eternal One in the shroud of this chaotic darkness, this mountain valley, and i will steadily create as i can, climbing into the light of the mountain heights as i go. and i will become light-bringer to an already very chaotic world. a world that screams for Christ and peace and purpose even more than i do.

// image via pinterest // 


  1. I love your blog! :) I feel like i know you personally after being FB friends!

    1. Aw, that's so sweet of you to say, Jen! I love your blog too...especially that recent post on couponing! Yes, couponing!! =)

  2. great post. couldn't agree more.
    "created to create" is one of my favorite mottos myself.

    1. thanks, siri! ooh, i love that: created to create. yes, indeed!


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