~16 Sweet Things About You~

My little sister's 16th birthday is today...oh my gosh did I really just type that out!? Let's all wish her (my sister Mary) a happy birthday shall we? I just wanted to tell you that I love you Mo-mo...to the moon and back a zillion times over!

16 sweet special things that I absolutely love about My SiSsY (in no reasonable order whatsoever):

(1) You are not afraid to be different...never have been.

(2) You are trendy, and often teach me things about fashion and makeup that I am totally clueless about.

(3) You are a brilliantly talented cake designer...and they taste yummy to boot!

(4) You have the most beautiful blue-green-brown-gold 'mood eyes' that I've ever seen! 

(5) Sometimes when I need you to, you seemingly switch roles with me, and become the older sister that I need you to be for me at that moment. Sometimes I swear we were born out of order...and secretly you are the bigger sister!

(6) We are polar opposites...and well, that makes life unpredictable and a lot of fun!

(7) I always know that you strongly stick up for me and everyone else in your life...and you always think of me and others too!

(8) Beneath that strong tough exterior you are a big softy...you are very caring and thoughtful even if you don't like to admit it! (Sorry, I've told your secret! =P)

(9) You sing loud and proud (literally) alongside me even if we don't always hit the notes. (...and we've 
recorded it...)

(10) You are a beautiful dancer...one that I only dream and wish I could be! (I cannot dance at ALL!)

(11) You are a 'Towanda' girl through and through...unless you just painted your nails again! (Inside. Joke.)

(12) You typically rise to the occasion...and I know you will continue to do so throughout your life. (Remember...Jeremiah 29:11-13 dearest! He will continue to lead and guide you through your life as you keep your beautiful eyes and heart focused on Him...and especially when you step out and do hard things!)

(13) You can put up with my constant badgery of goofiness daily...and you can dish it too!

(14) You are never afraid to stand up for what you believe and say aloud what you truly believe in your heart, whereas I am more guarded and scared to say things aloud sometimes. (I am learning from you daily...)

(15) You always know when something's wrong...reading me like a book. I say I can't stand this at times, but really it just makes me feel comforted and loved all the more!

(16) Everything about you is vibrant and vivacious! Your room (which is hot pink, lime green, tangerine, and purple), your bubbly personality, your bold outlook on life, your ability to sing off key at the top of your lungs in your room while standing there with the biggest Cheshire Cat smile on your face looking in the mirror as you sing (I love sneaking a peek at you doing this when you are unaware...hehe), your trendy clothing choices, your lovely face that is beautiful and painted with vast color pigmentations...etc.

...and this is a picture of my sissy's present that I got for her...think she'll like it? Although she already knows she's getting it I hope she will love the songs on it....guess we'll have to wait and see! =)

{image via: glambamm.com}
HaPpY SwEeT 16tH BiRtHdAy SiSsY!


  1. Happy Birthday to Ms. Mary!!! I love Selena Gomez!!!

  2. Happy Sweet Sixteen Mary! You are such a blessing to me and your father. We are so thankful to have you in our wonderful little family. May your day be full and your heart too! Love Mom :)

  3. Love this post! What a sweet tribute to your baby sister! I love you both and hope your fam has a GREAT weekend!

  4. Sarah your sister seems amazing.. 16 is such a year! :) God Bless you both and a happy birthday to her!

  5. Aw such a sweet post!! :) Happy birthday to your sister.


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